HIDROTEK KFC-01 Wall-Mounted Pipeline Water Purifier with high water flow commercial

Wall-Mounted Pipeline Water Purifier with high water flow and effective performance.
Pure water flow: 15L/min
Best partner for restaurant, beverage shop, cafe, household, etc.
5 stage filter with UV sterilizer
With Water pressure monitor
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Model No.: KFC-01

Wall-Mounted Pipeline Water Purifier with high water flow and effective performance.
Best partner for restaurant, beverage shop, cafe, household, etc. 
Wall-Mounted Pipeline Water Purifier;
Big water flow, 15/min;
5 stage physical filter, PP, CTO, PL, UV, Siliphos, remove impurities, kill bacteria and prevent scales
Energy saving, no secondary pollution
product dimension: width 785mm; height 699mm; depth 134mm
Water pressure gauges monitor water pressure before and after pre-filters. 
Packing Details:
Individual brown box: 392*320*429mm, weight: 21.2kg/unit